Featured Projects
Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Standards
adaptive management, conservation, fisheries, workshop facilitationSustainable Seafood: Updating Seafood Watch Standards
North Dakota EPSCoR Strategic Plan
EPSCoR, strategic planning, workshop facilitationCONCUR Teamed with staff from North Dakota EPSCoR, UND, NDSU, and the National Science Foundation to organize and facilitate a 2-day workshop for the primary investigators and researchers to plan and...
NOAA West Coast Swordfish Fisheries Meeting
fisheries, NOAA/NMFS, workshop facilitationCONCUR facilitated the NOAA Fisheries West Coast Swordfish Fisheries Meeting held May 11-12, 2015 in La Jolla, CA.
National Fish and Wildlife Turtle Excluder Devices Workshop
fisheries, workshop facilitationCONCUR teamed with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to convene a workshop focused on improving the overall effectiveness of implementation of turtle excluder devices (TED) in the shrimp fishe...
GSAFF Turtle Excluder Devices in Shrimp Fishery
fisheries, marine, workshop facilitationCONCUR teamed with the Gulf & South Atlantic Fisheries Foundation (GSAFF) to gather industry, federal, and state official perspectives on turtle exclusion device (TED) compliance and enforcement i...
NMFS Non-Lethal Deterrents Workshop
fisheries, marine, marine mammals, NOAA/NMFS, workshop facilitationCONCUR planned and facilitated a workshop to identify safe methods for deterring marine mammals from damaging fishing gear and catch, personal or public property, or endangering personal safety. CO...
South Dakota EPSCoR Strategic Plan
EPSCoR, strategic planning, workshop facilitationCONCUR teamed with staff from South Dakota EPSCoR, South Dakota State University, University of South Dakota, and the National Science Foundation to organize and facilitate a 2-day workshop for the pr...
Designing a Priority Setting Process
CMSP, workshop facilitationCONCUR worked with staff of the Central and Northern California Ocean Observer System to design and facilitate a strategic planning dialogue to establish a priority-setting process for ocean observati...
U.S. West Coast Swordfish Workshop – 2011
fisheries, NOAA/NMFS, strategic planning, workshop facilitationOn May 10th - 11th of 2011, CONCUR facilitated the United States West Coast Swordfish Workshop: Working towards Sustainability.
NOAA Fisheries Recreational Data
conservation, fisheries, NOAA/NMFS, workshop facilitationCONCUR facilitated a two-day meeting intended to generate concrete strategies for improving the timeliness of data used to manage recreational fisheries nationwide.
NOAA Fisheries: Eat Local, Think Global
fisheries, marine, NOAA/NMFS, Oakland, strategic planning, workshop facilitationCONCUR teamed with NMFS to convene a two-day symposium in Oakland, CA to look at the impacts of imported seafood on U.S. fisheries, food security, employment, incomes, and vibrant coastal communities...
Gulf of the Farallones Ocean Climate Summit
climate change, energy, fisheries, NOAA/NMFS, workshop facilitationCONCUR facilitated the second biennial Ocean Climate Summit: "Moving from Knowledge to Action" at the California Academy of Sciences
Wingspread Foundation Water Funders Forum
strategic planning, water quality, water supply, water use, workshop facilitationCONCUR teamed with conveners from The Johnson Foundation at Wingspread to facilitate a three-day workshop among 27 leading grant-making organizations involved in national and regional water resource e...
Strategic Planning for NSF EPSCoR
energy, EPSCoR, research & design, transportation & infrastructure, workshop facilitationOver the past 5 years, CONCUR has worked with 5 states (Nevada, Missouri, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Mississippi) in developing proposals or strategic plans for NSF Funding under the Experiment...
Marin County LAFCO
alternatives analysis, strategic planning, workshop facilitationCONCUR facilitated a series of annual strategic planning retreats for the Marin County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to help update their three-year Strategic Plan.
California Marine Life Protection Act Initiative
fisheries, marine, NOAA/NMFS, stakeholder analysis/conflict assessment, workshop facilitationCONCUR facilitated the Central, North Central and South Coast Regional Stakeholder Groups for the deliberations and implementation of the California Marine Life Protection Act.
California Urban Water Conservation Council
strategic planning, water supply, water use, workshop facilitationCONCUR assisted the California Urban Water Conservation Council in several strategic planning initiatives.
NV EPSCoR Worksop
climate change, energy, EPSCoR, strategic planning, workshop facilitationCONCUR teamed with faculty from UNLV, UNR, and DRI to design and carry out a convening event: Climate Change Science for Effective Resource Management and Public Policy in the Western United States: A...
UCSB Institute for Energy Efficiency
alternatives analysis, energy, workshop facilitationCONCUR teamed with UC Santa Barbara’s Institute for Energy Efficiency to co-facilitate a Technology Roundtable to more fully explore the future of concentrator photovoltaics. CONCUR Principal Sc...