Featured Projects
North Dakota EPSCoR Strategic Plan
EPSCoR, strategic planning, workshop facilitationCONCUR Teamed with staff from North Dakota EPSCoR, UND, NDSU, and the National Science Foundation to organize and facilitate a 2-day workshop for the primary investigators and researchers to plan and...
Meso American Reef Tourism Initiative
conservation, marine, strategic planning, tourismCONCURĀ teamed with staff of the Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL) to facilitate a two-day strategic planning session for the Meso American Reef Tourism Initiative (MARTI) in May 2014 in Playa del Carmen, Q...
Pacific Offshore Take Reduction Team
conservation, fisheries, joint fact-finding, marine, marine mammals, NOAA/NMFS, stakeholder analysis/conflict assessment, strategic planningCONCUR is now facilitating the Pacific Offshore Cetacean Take Reduction Team
South Dakota EPSCoR Strategic Plan
EPSCoR, strategic planning, workshop facilitationCONCUR teamed with staff from South Dakota EPSCoR, South Dakota State University, University of South Dakota, and the National Science Foundation to organize and facilitate a 2-day workshop for the pr...
U.S. West Coast Swordfish Workshop – 2011
fisheries, NOAA/NMFS, strategic planning, workshop facilitationOn May 10th - 11th of 2011, CONCUR facilitated the United States West Coast Swordfish Workshop: Working towards Sustainability.
NOAA Fisheries: Eat Local, Think Global
fisheries, marine, NOAA/NMFS, Oakland, strategic planning, workshop facilitationCONCUR teamed with NMFS to convene a two-day symposium in Oakland, CA to look at the impacts of imported seafood on U.S. fisheries, food security, employment, incomes, and vibrant coastal communities...
Fort Ord Restoration Advisory Board
air quality, environmental justice, habitat restoration, land use, stakeholder analysis/conflict assessment, strategic planning, water qualityCONCUR conducted a year-long strategic planning diagnostic and convening process for the Ford Ord (Monterey, CA) Restoration Advisory Board (RAB), a citizen-agency group convened to review proposed en...
USAID Okavango Watershed and Basin
strategic planning, training, water quality, water supply, water use, watershedCONCUR served as facilitator and trainer for this USAID-funded initiative aimed at strengthening the information base to support trans-boundary natural resource planning for the Okavango River system.
Wingspread Foundation Water Funders Forum
strategic planning, water quality, water supply, water use, workshop facilitationCONCUR teamed with conveners from The Johnson Foundation at Wingspread to facilitate a three-day workshop among 27 leading grant-making organizations involved in national and regional water resource e...
Columbia River Gorge
adaptive management, land use, strategic planning, water quality, water useInĀ 2010, CONCUR Principal Scott McCreary convened a phased dialogue focusing on improving land use decision-making for the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area.
Marin County LAFCO
alternatives analysis, strategic planning, workshop facilitationCONCUR facilitated a series of annual strategic planning retreats for the Marin County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to help update their three-year Strategic Plan.
California Urban Water Conservation Council
strategic planning, water supply, water use, workshop facilitationCONCUR assisted the California Urban Water Conservation Council in several strategic planning initiatives.
Pacific Islands Regional Office Strategic Planning
fisheries, marine, marine mammals, NOAA/NMFS, strategic planningCONCUR worked closely with the Pacific Islands Regional Office, the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council, and the Pacific Islands Division of the NO...
NV EPSCoR Worksop
climate change, energy, EPSCoR, strategic planning, workshop facilitationCONCUR teamed with faculty from UNLV, UNR, and DRI to design and carry out a convening event: Climate Change Science for Effective Resource Management and Public Policy in the Western United States: A...
Alaskan Way Viaduct
alternatives analysis, Seattle, strategic planning, transportation & infrastructure, waterfrontEleven years after a collaborative planning effort was launched with help from CONCUR, the tunnel project is near completion.