Featured Projects
Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Standards
adaptive management, conservation, fisheries, workshop facilitationSustainable Seafood: Updating Seafood Watch Standards
UC Berkeley Graduate Course
adaptive management, climate changeIn Fall 2014, CONCUR Principal Scott McCreary co-taught an advanced graduate seminar on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: Global Analysis and Regional Response at UC Berkeley’s Energy and Re...
Columbia River Gorge
adaptive management, land use, strategic planning, water quality, water useIn 2010, CONCUR Principal Scott McCreary convened a phased dialogue focusing on improving land use decision-making for the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area.
Guadalupe River Flood Control Project
adaptive management, economic analysis, fisheries, flood control, habitat restoration, joint fact-finding, Santa Clara Valley, stakeholder analysis/conflict assessment, USACE, watershedCONCUR facilitated the Guadalupe River Flood Control Project Collaborative, which produced a landmark agreement to resolve remaining mitigation issues for the lower Guadalupe River in downtown San Jos...