Featured Projects
American Samoa Ocean Plan
InternationalStakeholder Engagement Support for American Samoa Ocean PlanĀ CONCUR led a Stakeholder Engagement Support Project in 2017 to support implementation of the American Samoa Ocean Planning Pro...
Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Standards
InternationalSustainable Seafood: Updating Seafood Watch Standards
Meso American Reef Tourism Initiative
InternationalCONCURĀ teamed with staff of the Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL) to facilitate a two-day strategic planning session for the Meso American Reef Tourism Initiative (MARTI) in May 2014 in Playa del Carmen, Q...
New Zealand Planning Institute Keynote Address
InternationalNew Zealand Planning Institute Keynote Address and Ministry of Justice Training Course CONCUR Principal Scott McCreary was invited to present a keynote address at the New Zealand Planning Instituteā...
New Zealand Environment Court Training Course
InternationalIn March 2014, CONCUR Principal Scott McCreary presented a mediation training to Commissioners at the New Zealand Environment Court. The Environment Court is a specialist institution within the New Ze...
NOAA Fisheries: Eat Local, Think Global
DC National Policy, International, West Coast, Alaska & HawaiiCONCUR teamed with NMFS to convene a two-day symposium in Oakland, CA to look at the impacts of imported seafood on U.S. fisheries, food security, employment, incomes, and vibrant coastal communities...
USAID Okavango Watershed and Basin
InternationalCONCUR served as facilitator and trainer for this USAID-funded initiative aimed at strengthening the information base to support trans-boundary natural resource planning for the Okavango River system.
Advising the Government of Trinidad and Tobago
InternationalCONCUR was a member of a team retained to provide advice to the Trinidad and Tobago Environmental Management Authority (EMA) on the review of a set of proposals for new aluminum smelters, pr...
International Pacific Halibut Commission
InternationalCONCUR was jointly chosen by the United States Department of State and the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans to examine recent performance of the International Pacific Halibut Commission rel...