Featured Projects
Oceans & Fisheries
CONCUR facilitated the Audubon G.U.L.F. Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Stakeholder Workshop in New Orleans, Louisiana on October 24th, 2017. The meeting was convened by Audubon Nature Institute’s...
Oceans & Fisheries
Stakeholder Engagement Support for American Samoa Ocean Plan
CONCUR led a Stakeholder Engagement Support Project in 2017 to support implementation of the American Samoa Ocean Planning Pro...
Oceans & Fisheries
CONCUR designed and lead a training course in Mutual Gains Bargaining for Spitfire Strategies and the members of the Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions, a 16-member consortium devoted to t...
Oceans & Fisheries
CONCUR facilitated the NOAA Fisheries West Coast Swordfish Fisheries Meeting held May 11-12, 2015 in La Jolla, CA.
Oceans & Fisheries
CONCUR teamed with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to convene a workshop focused on improving the overall effectiveness of implementation of turtle excluder devices (TED) in the shrimp fishe...
Oceans & Fisheries
CONCUR teamed with the Gulf & South Atlantic Fisheries Foundation (GSAFF) to gather industry, federal, and state official perspectives on turtle exclusion device (TED) compliance and enforcement i...
Oceans & Fisheries
CONCUR teamed with staff of the Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL) to facilitate a two-day strategic planning session for the Meso American Reef Tourism Initiative (MARTI) in May 2014 in Playa del Carmen, Q...
Oceans & Fisheries
Building Stable Agreements in Marine Policy: Critical Review of the Marine Life Protection Act Initiative South Coast Process
Oceans & Fisheries
CONCUR planned and facilitated a workshop to identify safe methods for deterring marine mammals from damaging fishing gear and catch, personal or public property, or endangering personal safety.
Oceans & Fisheries
CONCUR is now facilitating the Pacific Offshore Cetacean Take Reduction Team
Oceans & Fisheries
CONCUR facilitated a workshop in August 2015 to develop national criteria for assessing sea turtle post-interaction mortality from trawl, gillnet, and pot/trap fisheries.
CONCUR worked closely with...
Oceans & Fisheries
On May 10th - 11th of 2011, CONCUR facilitated the United States West Coast Swordfish Workshop: Working towards Sustainability.
Oceans & Fisheries
CONCUR was retained by the Southwest Regional Office of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to convene the Coastal Pelagic Species Workshop II: Considerations for Rights-Based Management i...
Oceans & Fisheries
CONCUR teamed with NMFS to convene a two-day symposium in Oakland, CA to look at the impacts of imported seafood on U.S. fisheries, food security, employment, incomes, and vibrant coastal communities...
Oceans & Fisheries
CONCUR facilitated the Central, North Central and South Coast Regional Stakeholder Groups for the deliberations and implementation of the California Marine Life Protection Act.
Oceans & Fisheries
CONCUR worked closely with the Pacific Islands Regional Office, the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council, and the Pacific Islands Division of the NO...
Oceans & Fisheries
CONCUR conducted a one-day workshop in Honolulu, Hawaii, focused on effective community participation in Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (CMSP) efforts.
Oceans & Fisheries
CONCUR is an active practitioner of truly agreement-focused facilitation, notably in its work throughout the United States to support several Take Reduction Teams.
Oceans & Fisheries
CONCUR facilitated the Highly Migratory Species Advisory Panel from 2010 to 2014.
Oceans & Fisheries
CONCUR was jointly chosen by the United States Department of State and the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans to examine recent performance of the International Pacific Halibut Commission rel...
Oceans & Fisheries
CONCUR has facilitated deliberations of the False Killer Whale Take Reduction Team since 2010.