Featured Projects

Pacific Offshore Take Reduction Team
conservation, fisheries, joint fact-finding, marine, marine mammals, NOAA/NMFS, stakeholder analysis/conflict assessment, strategic planningCONCUR is now facilitating the Pacific Offshore Cetacean Take Reduction Team

California Coastal Commission-Poseidon Water
joint fact-finding, land use, water supply, water useCALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION-POSEIDON WATER: JOINT FACT-FINDING PROCESS CONCUR was jointly selected by Poseidon and the Commission as the entity to design and facilitate an independent feasibility...

Humboldt Watersheds Project
joint fact-finding, water quality, water supply, water use, watershedCONCUR worked directly with the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board to design and facilitate a joint fact-finding effort focused on the protection and restoration of sediment-impaired b...

Guadalupe River Flood Control Project
adaptive management, economic analysis, fisheries, flood control, habitat restoration, joint fact-finding, Santa Clara Valley, stakeholder analysis/conflict assessment, USACE, watershedCONCUR facilitated the Guadalupe River Flood Control Project Collaborative, which produced a landmark agreement to resolve remaining mitigation issues for the lower Guadalupe River in downtown San Jos...

CALFED Independent Panel
joint fact-finding, stakeholder analysis/conflict assessment, water quality, water supply, water useCONCUR designed and facilitated an independent review panel that produced a consensus recommendation on a suite of actions intended to improve the way agricultural water use is measured in California.